Grant Application

California based non-profits interested in submitting for a grant are required to submit the official application to be considered.

We encourage ALL Grant Applicants to read the FAQ’s below before submitting a grant application.

Please fill out the application in its entirety and email to

Please include the words - “Grant Application” in the subject line of your email.

For More Information regarding the grant application process please review the following FAQ’s

How can our non-profit submit for a grant?

Non-profit organizations must fill out the grant application form and provide the necessary documents requested on the form. Grant submissions are accepted via email at

When are grant applications accepted?

Grant applications are accepted year-round. 

What are the eligibility requirements?

Eligibility requirements included:

  • Organization must be a California registered non-profit organization

  • Organization may NOT be politically based

  • Organization must have a valid 501(c)3 registration

Is there a limit to the number of pages or file size for an application?

There is no limit to the number of pages or file size. Responses range from simply answering the questions on the grant application and keeping it to a page or 2, and others send additional information. Please follow instructions on the application and provide all the documentation requested on the form.

Are there any guidelines for the application attachments?

Grant application attachments should cover the following:

  • Define the “program” you are seeking funds for

  • Amount of grant you are seeking

  • Detail how the funds will be used

  • Describe how the Fusenot Foundation will be acknowledged by your organization

When are grant applications reviewed?

Grant applications are reviewed prior to the Foundations annual Board meeting held in the Fall (September-October) of each year. 

Does the grant need to be earmarked for a specific purpose?

No, the grant request does not need to be earmarked for a specific purpose

Can the grant be earmarked for a specific project?

Yes, grants can be earmarked for a specific purpose, of which should be outlined in the application.

Are grants a one-time distribution or a reoccurring annual contribution?

Grants are a one-time distribution, applications must be resubmitted each year for consideration.

Can we arrange a call or meeting to discuss our grant proposal?

Once you have submitted the grant application request in its entirety, our team will review the information. If additional details are required, we will contact you for further data.

When is the submission deadline?

Submissions are accepted year-round, however, to be considered for any specific year the application must be submitted prior to the annual board meeting in the fall. Application must be received no later than August 1 of each year.

When are the funds distributed?

Funds are dispersed following the annual Board meeting. 

What is the maximum funding amount that we can request?

Grants are issued in various amounts depending on the program/grant request. 

When is the next board meeting?

Board meetings are held in the Fall of each year, typically late September or early October. 

How can I check on the status of the application? 

Our Team will contact your organization if a grant is issued to your organization. If you have not heard from our staff, feel free to submit another application for the next round of grant allocations.

What are the Fusenot Foundation’s core areas of focus?

The Foundation’s core areas of focus are wide ranging from animal rescue to veterans assistance. Please take time to review all our beneficiaries on the website under “Areas of Funding”.

Can you add information about our organization to the Fusenot Foundation website?

The Fusenot Foundation website highlights ONLY those organizations that have received a Fusenot Foundation grant.